Lithops grow mainly in the deserts of Namibia and South Africa. The three maps below specify the location of the 37 species. Species with a wide distribution range are represented by ellipsoids whereas restricted distribution species are simply indicated by a red asterisk.

First map: the Lithops of Namibia.

Second map: Southwestern Lithops of South Africa

Third map: Lithops of North South Africa

Lithops undergo limiting climatic conditions in terms of rainfall, temperature and cloudiness. The main constraints are:

1 – lack of rain
2 – summer heat
3 – cold winter
4 – presence or absence of fog

For simplicity we can distinguish four main types of climate (see the map below): desertic on the majority of the western part (pink and red on the map), semi-arid on the central part (yellow and orange on the map ), Mediterranean on the southern tip (bistre on the map) and tropical on the eastern margin (green on the map).

The following information details these broad categories by giving an example of the climatic characteristics of all climatic zones where Lithops grow from data provided by a standard weather station. Pay attention that months are identified from 1 to 12, 1 corresponding to January (full summer!) and 7 to July (full winter!) in the southern hemisphere.

The discriminant criteria are :


  • hot desertic = annual rainfall <250 mm, minimum winter temperature> 4 °C and maximum summer temperature> 29 °C
  • cold desertic = annual rainfall <250 mm, minimum winter temperature <4 °C and maximum summer temperature <29 °C
  • desertic with temperate summer = annual rainfall <250 mm, minimum winter temperature> 4 °C and maximum summer temperature <29 °C
  • desertic with cold winter = annual rainfall <250 mm, minimum winter temperature <4 °C and maximum summer temperature > 29 °C
  • semi-arid with temperate winter = 250 mm <annual rainfall <600 mm, minimum winter temperature> 3 °C
  • semi-arid with cold winter = 250 mm < annual rainfall <600 mm, minimum winter temperature <3 °C
  • Mediterranean with hot summer = annual rainfall > 250 mm, annual rainfall winter > summer annual rainfall, maximum summer temperature > 29°C
  • oceanic with cold winter = annual rainfall > 600 mm, summer annual rainfall > winter annual rainfall, minimum winter temperature <3 °C
  • subtropical humid = annual rainfall> 600 mm, summer annual rainfall > winter annual rainfall, minimum winter temperature > 3 °C

Hot desertic


  • rainfall = 188 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 34.1°
  • winter average min = 3.8°

Cold desertic 


  • rainfall = 170 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 29.6°
  • winter average min = 2.7°

Desertic with temperate summer 


  • rainfall = 17 mm, fog = 150 mm
  • summer average max = 21.7°
  • winter average min = 10°

Desertic with cold winter


  • rainfall = 244 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 34.6°
  • winter average min = 1°

Semi-arid with temperate winter 


  • rainfall = 600 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 34.1°
  • winter average min = 3,8°

Semi-arid with cold winter 


  • rainfall = 320 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 33.2°
  • winter average min = 0.5°

Mediterranean with hot summer 


  • rainfall = 470 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 29.7°
  • winter average min = 7.1°

Oceanic with cold winter 


  • rainfall = 670 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 27.8°
  • winter average min = 0.8°

Subtropical humid 


  • rainfall = 670 mm, fog = 0
  • summer average max = 29.5°
  • winter average min = 2.8°